Apr 17, 2013

Princeton University Math Club COURSES


Choos­ing math courses is one of the most impor­tant aspects of being a math major, though these choices are often quite dif­fi­cult. Upon enter­ing Prince­ton, many math majors do not know which areas of math to explore. Even for those who have decided this ques­tion, it is often not appar­ent which courses to take and in what order. More­over, there are always ques­tions of which courses it is fea­si­ble to take simul­ta­ne­ously, which courses over­lap in mate­r­ial cov­ered, what knowl­edge does one need before tak­ing a course, and many others.

The goal of this course guide is to pro­vide infor­ma­tion to help math majors make these deci­sions. Before this course guide was com­piled, the avail­able sources of infor­ma­tion were the registrar's Course Offer­ings and the math department's under­grad­u­ate courses page. These two are impor­tant infor­ma­tion sources, and every math major should con­sult them. This course guide sup­ple­ments these sources by bring­ing in the student's per­spec­tive. All of the infor­ma­tion pre­sented here is taken from the expe­ri­ences math majors have had tak­ing these courses.

Con­tent [Show]

Lim­i­ta­tions [Show]

Con­tacts [Show]

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