Jun 30, 2019

Ring of circles

I found a good mathematical resource for OpenGL from Cambridge University:


This is a simplified version of earlier program, hopefully to reduce unnecessary clutter:


And instead of a circle, which is drawn as a polygon of 30 sides, we can fixed it to TWO-gon:

The rod-shaped structure formed a flat surface - with top and bottom surface. 

How to make it into a Mobius surface?   So what if now the generator of the 2gon is shifted by a angle offset as it goes round the circle - and the total angular offset should total 180 degrees?

This is the result:

And the source code is here:


Instead of a 2-gon, why not change it to a 3-gon (triangle) and you will get this:

Instead of triangle (ngon=3) or circle earlier (ngon=30), what if we want to form helix?   Then instead of drawing circle by itself, we need to rotate the circle while drawing the circle, forming this:

And the source code is here:


And what if you make the circles move in a sinusoidal pattern around at the periodic frequency of 2?

The above is the result:


And in case you think the single colored rings are too boring:


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